Marketing Strategy icon

It’s great having an audience or customer base, but it provides no value if they’re not active. At dR we specialise in creating programmes to activate dormant and non-performing groups into actions and transactions to deliver results and add value.

  • Relationship marketing
  • Data analysis
  • Precise targeting

Road mapping the targets

Focussed on interaction and results, dR consider the customer’s lifecycle from potential customer (prospect) to loyal advocate. Building the relationship with your customers throughout their lifecycle is key to extracting maximum value and loyalty. Once your target is defined, dR build roadmaps to outline the stages of the customer lifecycle and develop a strategy that speaks directly to customers based on where they are in the lifecycle.

Analysing the data

Data talks! dR will interrogate a database to identify triggers and similar behaviours that represent your customers and prospects. Using deep analysis dR can then deploy tactics that better engage and motivate, leading to active customers.

Targeting with precision

dR can develop a strategy that speaks directly to customers based on where they are in the lifecycle. Using data analysis and effective segmentation, customers can be targeted strategically using the most effective communications platform suited to the customer's status.

Let’s talk about what we can do for you

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Our range of services

Audience Activation
Internal Comms
Marketing Strategy

We're good with data

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